Our Mission
Cosmic Fire is a spiritual publishing ministry that is primarily focused on providing tools and inspiration for people who are interested in what could be possible if we healed the trauma from the past and reclaimed our sacred imaginations to create heaven on earth.
We believe that our eternal souls did not incarnate here at this time to obediently consume a narrative of lies. We didn’t come here to live out the bankrupt dreams of past generations. We didn’t come here to mutate ourselves so we can fit into a society based on violence, greed, oppression, and the destruction of the earth and our fellow creatures to feed the parasitic systems enslaving humanity.
We believe that we are here to assist in the earth's restoration and the raising of human consciousness and we know that artificial structures based on separation and control must eventually be surrendered and replaced by the truth of freedom, unity consciousness, and respect for the earth and each other, because that is what is real.
We have created Cosmic Fire as a sacred space to support one another in being the gift that will change our lives and our world for the better; a place where we can be seen and validated as our authentic selves; and where we are encouraged to follow our intuitive knowingness and fully express our inner genius.
We're grateful you're here.
DK "Kairos" Brainard is a musician, astrologer, hypnotist, and soul mastery coach who loves nature sounds, healing frequencies, making orgone devices and rocking out daily.
Tatiana "Phoenix" Sakurai is a spiritual counselor, author, and lightwork teacher who loves singing, guiding meditations, and growing medicinal herbs.
Together DK and Tati have over 30 years of experience in the healing arts and love sharing their wisdom with a healthy dose of humor. They both teach classes and are available for private lessons, sessions, and readings. Learn more or book sessions through the links below.